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"I told yeh lad, this ain't no fairytale..."

The legends are true: HOBS are real. Except these aren’t pixies or elves or any other such fairytale nonsense; they’re aliens.

Stranded on Earth for hundreds of years, the Hobs have made a new home, deep below the English countryside; a secret city called Narrowdark. It’s hidden, secure and safe. But when an ancient power is released into the world above, they have to act. 

Because all that power just crashed into a rather shocked 12-year-old human, called Jac…

An old English legend…

A secret underground city…

And a boy with an ancient power. 

Find out more

Daniel Cullen

Author & illustrator

Just like Jac (the main character of the book, HOBS) I moved from inner-city London to a tiny Derbyshire village when I was 12. It was a difficult time; I was scared, alone - I didn’t fit. But, despite all of that, the place intrigued me. Instead of concrete and glass, there were woods and dales (and caverns!) it was magical.

As I made friends, I heard stories of the Hob; mischievous creatures that live underground and come out at night. To some, they were more than legend, they were an accepted fact - so much so that local farmers would leave bowls of milk out for them. I loved that. In a way, those stories helped me accept my new home.

I now work as a designer and illustrator, but the Hobs stayed with me. And now they're set loose in a new book: HOBS, the first in the Narrowdark series. Available in April 2023 as Hardback, paperback and Kindle editions.

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